P2: photos/text of inspiration

I was really inspired by the movie Coraline. I watched it in theaters as a kid and have watched it almost every year since. I loved the artistry, colors, music, and really appreciated the unique theme and motifs. For example, the button eye motif not only brings an element of creepiness to story but also represents restriction/control. The eyes were what trapped the other children even after they were killed. The Beldam is also depicted as a spider in the film at one point and her world was the "web" that she wove to trap Coraline. In this sense, just like a spider captures pray by tying them down, the Beldam was doing the same thing, binding the children to her world with buttons. I wanted to include this theme in my project to capture the feeling/fear of being trapped that the film conveyed. I also wanted to include the tunnel motif into my project because it conveyed a similar sense of unease. The tunnel that was once meant to lure Coraline in turns grey when it becomes clear that the other world is a trap. 

Some images from the film: 


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